Saturday, December 11, 2010

Nc Or Nw To Cover Purple Undereye?

Castle Peak Acher and Cubilaret.

Acher Castle Circular. I think I get older. 10/04/1910.

Sunset, Castillo de Acher from Selva de Oza.
Too bad I was sitting turned 40 in 93 when I went in winter Castle Acher, I opened a trail to a collective output of Casablanca Stadium, with which we agree, when A. Tomico and I had to leave for home but, because of bad weather. But this time none of the groups of Aragon, Navarre and Basque summit we walked by there (With 20 years I have gone without a top, especially since in 93 there was no visibility at the top As the bodies break down!) .

snowy forest above overlooking the castle.

the background crest Lina Peña Forca.

Anticipating the snow conditions, I proposed to go to JL Agreem from Forges d'Abel (where we would have coincided with the stalwart group lameteoqueviene ) or do Secús and Anatera from Selva de Oza (always spectacular Hellmouth after a snowfall, snow-covered trees and walls hung with icicles.) JL elected in doubt of more "altuda." With chains we Selva de Oza.
View from the Castillo de Acher Refuge. 1740m. The target covers everything.
A footprint "wild" pairs leads us to Refugio del Castillo de Acher 1740m., We see the authors of the footprint that are removed at an altitude of 1850m Castle Acher, exhausted by the effort.
Acher Road Port beautiful mountains around us. Photo JL.
From here the normal to the Castle dates back a shovel, to find a channel that exceeds the highlight cimero easily (35-40 º). Rather than go towards the port of Acher by the end of the valley , we head to the normal castle, at an altitude of 1900m to make a hillside to the port.
Anatera High Peak 2294m and 2341m Secús. From about Puerto

Cara N. del Castillo. 01/12/2006 photo What a difference the amount of snow from one year to another!

We consider the correctness of our idea, and headed toward the Secús and the Anatera, aided by a couple who durra the track to the Port of Acher 2052m. Once there, despite having time frame, because of what the days are short, we decided to make a circular route, and leave the tops for another day. The couple opened footprint we are going to pass the Marcantón Peña, then down to Aguas Eye returning to the track to Selva de Oza.
Face of the Acher Castle, a beautiful mountain. An avalanche had fallen down the chimney Ledormeur.
I want to know BARCALA Ravine, as the normal route on skis to these summits. The descent is powder snow, having to cross a cliff to go along the right bank.

Barranco Barcala. The blizzard raging in Port Acher. -6 º C.
not as fast as we wanted to track. We eat at -4 degrees, we are in the shade but at least we are not the blizzard strikes that were in the harbor. The return of the track without skis is looong, but as JL, we not ski snowshoeing. Of course where you go to the mountains during winter mountain ski hard snow or kicking, which pairs are removed snow.

Pico Cubilaret 2291m. Warming up the skis and then climbing to stretch the muscles. 10/12/2010

Campanal of Aneu and Cubilaret.
I was eager to take the tables in previous outings. When you reach the Pyrenees is the radical change brought about by the storm the Bridge of the Immaculate Conception. Before the snow was evenly distributed throughout the mountain, has now disappeared from the lower levels, to accumulate a large "paquetón" above 2400m. The great mountains were beautiful. Enjoy the snow in July.

first exit
Pico and Pico will Arrious Lurie, a bellezón of Mt.
As I was the classic tables Cubilaret 2291m, from 1794m Portalet. A nice climb and best skiing to 1700m altitude. There's always people doing ski touring, never being alone even if you go during the week. Then to stretch muscles I climbed the Via Ferrata in free Escarrilla (III ° with good rock) and then rode a lifeline in the Via Cordata (III + than the last time I did not ride the line, something not recommended because excess height to kill). Total trepadica 100m III-III +.


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