Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Technics In Pokemon Deluge

Somol Peña Baja. 03/07/2011

Somol Peña Baja. Interesting top to the mountain slopes.
View from the top. Her older sisters enjoy better views. Marked path to Peña Somol Alta.
Both starters, as initiated in the mountain ski , here is a great mountain to enjoy the trip in winter. It is also a good activity to go with rackets. To start walking
have two options: ask permission in the City of Villanúa and up the track La Trappe , as far as snow and ice we allow, or deviate before the barrier toward the Source of Paco and 100 meters before the bridge, climb 8 km road track heading off in half an hour.
If we get permission to climb the trail to the Refuge Villanúa Spathe, call the Town Hall. Dan 5 permits per day, and time of stay within the track is from 8:00 to 20:00. Call for permission:
Telephone: 974 37 84 Tourism 65-974378004
giants elevation zone from 2100, magnificent peaks for skiing in the mountains.
As I had wanted to train, leave the car on the track of the source of Paco (A 1 km of diversion Villanúa track the Trappe, about 100 meters from a bridge, we see Double left a rusty metal gate with a red), wide roads marked with red paint and milestones, leading from the altitude 1230m to 1440m altitude of the track of La Trappe (PKM 8) within half an hour quite comfortably. Immediately there are hairpin curves on the track. I could not put on their tables to 1550m altitude at the lack of snow. Had chosen to go alone a mountain without complications and with mobile coverage.
Borregil of Villanúa. Go back from this valley to the crags Maranon Somol.
Pkm.11 after the other in the hairpin curves, leaving the track to get into the valley that rises to the hill of Maranon. We turn next to the shelter Cubilar of Spathe , elevation 1700 m, and its source trough. After flying a flat part, the valley bends. At elevation 1850m one channel slightly marked, would lead to the little valley, forming the Colladareta and Peña Refrigerator (As often no snow this step, we continue towards Peña Somol. Then flank to the west, at an altitude of 2100m, entering the small valley, to raise and Colladareta Peña Refrigerator with skis). Under the Maranon 2083m hill, at an altitude of 2000m we turned north on a shovel, we get into a valley that leads to the Rocks of Upper and Lower Somol. At the height 2440mm turn to climb the ridge west of the Rock of Somol Baja its north flank. Without difficulty reaches its peak, 2574 or 2553 m above sea level, with tables placed.
Summit and north flank of the Rock of Somol Baja, from the height 2440mm.
Despite being dominated by higher peaks, the scenery is beautiful, your face is falling steeply to the valley Acumuer (Rio Aurín), opposite the Rock of Somol Peña Alta and Refrigerator. More see beyond the main peaks of the Valle de Tena and the Pyrenees in the distance the Moncayo.
View from the Rock of Somol Baja, striking the Rays Pala skiing. The world is just a step forward.
For the descent is often South shovel striking preferable. We descend a bit from the top, to a level at its crest west to turn south and enter the upper South. Around 2200m altitude decanting is to go to the right, looking south ridge and pass into the path of ascent. Shortly before the shelter, snow permitting, we left flank, to descend open forest in search of the 1620m altitude of the track, shortening and improving the descent, leaving early in the second zone of hairpin curves. Also you can climb this peak, by lowering the route more directly.
complementary the name is not entirely clear to the cartographers.
Complement: If we are strong we can flank from the line 2000 towards the left, looking for a shoulder on the ridge west of the peak of the Grate, Dimension 1820 (There is a dance of names on maps, most call the pointy peak that dominates the hill Maranon: Grate Peak 2205, but others call it End of the spathe. The next summit, elevation 2195, the North and call each other Punta Bacuna the spathe) to add these two peaks rather ski, whose orientation makes the snow takes longer to transform.
These beautiful mountains are watching us drive access.
We just have not mislead us when to resume the path-shortcut rise. Total 5-6 hours with snow acceptable and 1350m of altitude, with "Drop" the first part of the way up. This past weekend, it seems that most visitors to the area opted for this peak, but certainly his older brothers: Necklaces, Fridge Collaradeta and Peña are more interesting for ski mountaineering, especially in April (by accessing drive to track the curve of the altitude 1700m).
Traveling around here I always love seeing Lecherines Peaks.

View Collarada Massif. in a larger map


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