Monday, March 21, 2011

Honda Pilot Front Plate Bracket

There was once a man in love, part II

With many pretty things to read and others that study, the time to write short supply even though the ideas just keep flowing forever. But I discovered long ago that to satisfy the frustration, there is nothing better than getting something to my blog, so here goes, hoping to achieve write something else.

His eyes then turned to the sky. The roof of the world, that which even where the water is afraid to enter, which is stronger and bigger and more powerful and more pervasive than the strongest and fastest flows.

left his home in the foothills of his former love, and climbed to the highest place that man can live, to live where it is a neighbor of the sky. And again started the same process, studied every form of clouds and found in every cloud a smile, he studied every drop of rain falling and every drop of suffering as if they were her own tears, he studied every color that was dyed suddenly each color and sounded like a sign that Heaven had sent him, and no one but himself, and every star that graced the evening as the blink of an eye saw. And envied each bird with its wings could caress, and every airplane that their boundaries touch, and hated every breeze that dared to touch what he could not. But the

second love is always less than the first, if the former was true: less intense, less passionate, less strong and less time. Tired, was leaving his home in the top of the world, my heart loves tired worn, when, with the speed with which a cloud covers the sun and let the world in darkness, a picture fell on his head and did not leave until he sat down and began to recreate it, to find ways to carry out this idea that stuck with fire.

investigated and asked the most experienced, read every book on the subject had, tried every place that could serve in the world, bought all the materials needed and enlisted all the details to be ready for the date you knew perfectly.

the end, with a thermos in hand, arrived at the scene that he had been told so many ways, wearing clothes designed a thousand times, two minutes before the hour for months sought, and sat waiting, his heart leaping in chest and leg in earthquake along the nerves. And he sat there waiting, and waiting, ten, twenty, fifty, eighty seconds, to wait and wait ...

his alarm clock rang. Slowly, he stood, stretched full height and looked to both sides, eyes open, watching the wonder that was calculated. On both

horizons, to every point that his mortal eye could see, as far as the imagination could reach the sky and sea were hugging and bound in marriage by the ring of the sun. One reflection of each other, were the same color and the same tone, the same magic and the charm, the same life and death itself, just the same love and hatred, and were united in a show booked for one, and if the sea wave appeared in the sky was a cloud, and if a bird dared to break the incredible, a fish of the sea would make it credible again. It was perfect symmetry, the most perfect on earth could ever have. And only, circling circle without noticing any difference about him, who had tried and had done everything to see what I now saw, was the only one who had found so much magic in reality.

And so with a smile, took the poison that was in the heat and died there, alone, in an embrace with his two great loves.


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