Saturday, March 26, 2011

Hannah Montana Lola Pik Wig

Tosos-Dam of the Rackets

26 March 2011.

Distance: 8 km .

rise Total ascent: 200 m.

Time: 2:08 with stops.

Difficulty: Easy

Type: circular Tosos Casaza-Reservoir-The-Stone-Tosos slice.

Hikers: Isabel and Jose Carlos.

Today we offer a quiet walk in the field of Carignan, more specifically follow the PR-Z 142 from the reservoir of Tosos Torcas. This PR covers the area, can bind to other municipalities as Santa Barbara, Boom or Aladren. A Tosos easy reach from Zaragoza in less than 1 hour, taking the A-23 to Carignan and then the A-220 Fuendetodos direction and 11 km from Carignan is the diversion to Tosos the CV-120.

Once in the quiet village , we have two options, or search the cemetery or the church, we will begin the trip by road from the church and return by leaving the cemetery .

Places flour, left the church, the journey is all clearly marked as seen in photos. First, the road is a track , traveled by cars that reach the dam, for 2.5 km is paved. In this first piece will make a small section to see a Casaza l, one need only turn a few meters, is a medieval tower , above the old town of Alcaniz in Huerva.

claw our way and we, and by land and a wonderful pine forest, between an angry discussion, "Everyone has their own pace" against "someone left alone" until the reservoir . Since the dam is much of the water and on its banks, taking advantage the wonderful morning, many fishermen. We took a snack and a drink of water and now we stuck by the cause ce Huerva River, crossed a bridge , below the dam, and continue on the other side.

This piece is most welcome, a perfectly prepared track, deep in the gorge, including a Silgan at one point, which I think make it more difficult to pass, that if you do not use, we also found any other fossil.

Leaving the ravine to continue, after a steep slope by the road through the stone Tejada, Isabel at her understand what the "cut", you just have to see the photos. We see the people at the bottom and come from crowded Hortales, building plant after a week of rain.

A nice and pleasant walk, not everything is going to be suffering, suitable for everyone. The area can also visit Fuendetodos, a warehouse in Carignan or as we buy a good wine for dinner.

Until next time ....