Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mods Mount&blade Version 1011

Valdoria Ravine. Via Ferrata

Valdoria Ravine. Hiking, climbing and caving in one.

play another original route through the province of Teruel. About the Archbishop Albalate within the interesting Cultural del Río Martín Park , there is a spectacular setting: the Barranco de Valdoria.

of Valdoria Camino al Bco.

information poster at the beginning of the track.

To access, Albalate we left the A-223, towards Andorra. Past the junction with the A-1401 (Ariño-Oliete) about 2'3km, we see right after a curve, a brown sign that indicates: Cueva Negra-Bco of Valdoria. We went into the dirt track and there is an interesting bit LCD panel. If we come by the A-223 from Andorra, starting right before the 25 kilometer point. We will see a brown sign to the left. The track is about 2.5 km, suitable for passenger cars, the crossings have signs or in case of doubt about poles red tip guide us.
Cut up the cluster ravine.

principle difficulties.

We came to a grove where the trail ends. A panel indicates the beginning of the road. We are on the bottom of the ravine, by a comfortable way for children. The valley narrows, enjoying the beauty of the cliffs of conglomerate. If we are in early November, when the fall usually comes to the riparian Teruel, is particularly beautiful.
Top of Via Ferrata Valdoria .

staircase with shower.
A handrail, a handrail and iron bars us get help smooth the narrowing of the gorge, where there is a pond that stores water. The ravine is encased, we must move to the right bent under a rock shelter, access to a metal staircase that leads over a waterfall. Formerly a staple helped to overcome the step in a more interesting, it has now installed the stairs next to the waterfall, which would make its use problematic in case of flood, as well as oxidizing pregnant quickly.
Scaling Dam, is the stairs.

Via Ferrata, flanking the dam.

, Upstairs we went to a narrow dominated by a dam 11 meters high. Surprisingly there is cable of life, despite being the most difficult stretch of the route. The cord of life that has been unnecessary equipment in other parts of the ride today, here are missing. Moving with children is required lead rope, as well as helmet-harness-sink must for any Ferrata. The route follows the left bank, here are cable of life, the wall is slightly inclined and abundant staples (You can progress smoothly without staples). The first part is a flanking upstream, then climbs to a junction of paths where it ends.

handrail access to the cave of the Garden.

Via Ferrata Valdoria reservoir.
From the junction we can continue towards the left, surrounding the reservoir to the Cueva del Huerto . There are 10 additional min. When the path approaches the runway, we see some milestones that descend to a handrail, which leads to a long metal staircase bad subject. We went to what was an orchard. Here we become aware of how hard it was to survive here, in a mine cavern was dug to collect the water of the Cave Garden.
Mine Cave Garden.

Cave Garden.

The return is down the Ferrata and return along the path. After 5 minutes take the path that leads towards the corner Gorgo. Climb slightly approaching the walls. Stairs with handrails (who we miss in the dam) is placed in a corridor formed by massive landslides rock.

Stairs to hallway. Corner Gorge.

conglomerate blocks.
Beyond, the fallen blocks have created a cave inhabited by birds, we went for it to come out the other side. From here, the path descends to the main road and the car. It is a little long but worth it, just 30 minutes. Link to map . If you want to look at more photos Pmbrea chronicle.
Corner Gorgo from the lookout.

Entering the Gorge. Is there a way out?

- Access: 20 min. - Ascent: 10 min ( But if we go with children) + 10 minutes to Cave Garden. - Return: 20 min + 30 min ferrata Gorgo. ; - ferrata Vertical: 40 meters.
- Difficulty: F +. Conglomerate rock with abundant prey, so you can climb without using staples.

Gorgo output.

Pico Coronas and Black Cave. Valdoria Add to gully.

Since the route is short, we can extend to both possibilities. Since the end of the Ferrata take the path that ascends to the Cueva Negra (red-tipped poles.) The path leads to a hill fire, climb up to go to a track. 15 minutes. Here are two options: Left to Crown Peak, right in the Black Cave.

The environment is beautiful, mountains and vast forests.
Pico Coronas: Follow the track towards the left. we see before us a pass on the track. Under the track changes direction (We can access the cutting through the hillside). A little further out another track to the right that we follow in climbing up the hill. From the leaves a trail to the left South, which traces near the ridge to get up to a cultivated plain. The path around the field to the left to go to a track we took to the right. After a short climb we reached the top of the peak 853m crowns, trig. Returning from Gorgo Valdoria and employ a 3-3.30 pm (But if we do with children or in summer).

Black Cave of the Archbishop.
Cueva Negra: Follow the track to the right, red-tipped poles guide us. In about 10 min we cemented track, we turn right. We went down to a viewpoint, from the north we see the Pyrenees, east: Valdoria and contrasts above the power station of Andorra, beyond Beceite Ports. Struck by the contrast between the Ebro Valley and the Sierra de Teruel. Out a path to the Black Cave (Something crushed by a Kaffir con moto). Easily descend the slope. Upon reaching a level ridge, the path of continuing llanea Cave west direction. Later we went to a track that we follow. Finally, after 40 more minutes, we arrived at the park (access by car from the A-1401), where a pole indicates the path in 10 minutes takes us to the Black Cave.
Black Cave Environment.
retraced our steps to return in about 30 minutes back to the hill where it began the flank. We left a path that runs along the ridge. When it starts to rise, we see a series of milestones marking a "path", which drops the right side. We went down to a mass (farmhouse), from which follow a track down. In 20 minutes we reached the bottom of the valley and the main track (yellow arrow Camino de Santiago which passes through here.) We only need to walk the track clockwise, 10 minutes to reach the car. Total 3-4 hours. This place Zaragoza is near (A one hour), how many hikers know Teruel and Zaragoza to bad weather in Pyrenees stay at home ... The remains for you to know Aragon and mountains! View

Valdoria and Black Cave in a larger map


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