Monday, November 22, 2010

Inurl:/view/shtml .... Gym

Speech Bachelor

My colleagues gave me the honor of appointing me to give the valedictory address during the event's degree from Middle room we had on Friday just past. I leave here.

Dear Friends

chairs where we sit today are not as comfortable as they seemed to be when, years ago, we watched with envy as the fourth means sitting in that black leather. And, although these are the same, our minds do not contemplate what he means to be in those chairs, the chairs that hide behind the glare of the metal of its frame. Sitting there in the stands, was and is impossible to understand the constant itching that shakes our bodies, the irrepressible shiver runs through us every second, the revoltijón in our stomach, shaking our hands, nerves, know that this book many years ago we started writing ... is now in its final chapter.

recounting all these years have been as impossible for us would be as unproductive. Impossible, because too many things that we are like the course and as a generation, unproductive, because sometimes remember, far from giving us a good time, only makes the nostalgia seizes us, and that the desire to turn back time and again wherever the PSU and the BA were ghosts distant and fuzzy, there appears where we all know is hiding.

But hide what is in front of our eyes is almost like trying to copy to Mr. Juan testing: it is so useless that it is better not to try. Here we are, after all these years, at the end of this corridor. When you mention our name opened the door, as we move towards the front, we closer to the light, and at the precise moment, at the precise moment that he touched our hands diploma, the door closed behind us, and left us in a completely different place to which we were when we came to this gym.

is sad. Yes. It's sad, though none would have believed it if they had said years ago, in those days when all we wanted was to leave college quick to see Dragon Ball or Sailor Moon (depending on who was).

And in the corridors of this school we have found more than lessons and materials. In fact, I can say with pride and head held high that I do not know that it is a virus, I do not remember the formula of speed and I have no idea which is a chemical valence. No, these years in the college has tried more than that: they were these walls that have seen us grow as individuals, we have been learning about friendship and understanding that is love, which saw us move forward and move slower than faster, smaller children just a little bigger.

This is the end. The end of those days in yellow uniforms, the end of the breaks with friends, the end of the presentations in English, the end of the gatherings, jokes with the teachers, the challenges for the piercings and hair cuts , the discussions in the council of course, the Photos of course still a course. Today, when we leave the gym, when we cross that door that awaits us there, scary, scary ... nothing will ever be what it has been all along, and all these years we spent in school will be sealed in an envelope as memories.

But if something I learned from the books we read in language is that the ends are never all that bad. At each end is a lot of happiness, is a cheerful lot, lightning, sometimes large and sometimes small, light falling on the endpoint. And even now, when I do not doubt that, even though we have almost a month to keep seeing each other, will more tears from falling so far have fallen, there is a little light that is illuminating everything. And, as we begin this adventure, so far away that day when our parents left us with cotona and apron at the entrance of a school, and we left on our own for the first time in our lives, the book spoke only on my, on, on it ... about you. Now, it is inconceivable, it would not be impossible to say my name or yours ... not to mention you and us.

Because ultimately, the greatest legacy that we leave this school is not everything in it we learned, but what we found in the people we met. This family has been forged not through blood but of moments, based not on genes but from experience, this family for years and years has been dodging every obstacle to get here, this family went through the ups and downs of a sea of calm has been little that has survived unscathed the tour and now prepares for his last great challenge, this family now signs off with a drive and a love bigger than ever.

is sad. Yeah, it's sad. But I'm calm. And you know why? Because I know that when you return, you, my colleagues, my friends, my family, my brothers ... I will be waiting.


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