Monday, November 8, 2010

Dragon Ball Goku Bulma Bathroom Doujinshi

Alfranca Natural Way from La Cartuja Baja

6 November 2010.

Distance: 21.5 km .

Accumulated Vertical Rise: 70 m.

Difficulty: Easy

type circular

Hikers: Ruben and Jose Carlos.

After many changes of plans, to go or not go to town, having traveled with a possible valance and hikers in the sun on Sunday, again raise the bar in Cosuenda in the end nothing planned, just by staying with Ruben Zaragoza and we propose a long walk on the banks of the Ebro

Our starting point is La Cartuja Baja, specifically left the car behind the school (this at the end of the avenue by which enter the town), on an old scale. The route we're going to do is usually done by bicycle and flip to the Alfranca, returning by Pastriz, all fully shown by infinite s posts, but will vary going through some trails, advised at one point NOT HAPPEN, because you have to cross a ditch by a makeshift bridge, if Carefully is no danger, but e learly is the responsibility of each one, which Forewarned is forearmed ....

Depart from La Cartuja quite foggy, the road is wide as a highway, and within a few hundred yards brings us to the banks of the Ebro, this piece is part of AVZ (Green Belt Zaragoza), we turn right, following directions, and begin to walk The Natural Way called Alfranca and walk until we find the p ource bicentennial, which allows us to cross the river and continue on the other side.

walk to the riverbank, watching the fog of curves made by the river, by the way were signs explaining the flora and fauna . When we have to find a panel with a map and a bank , which have painted the word path (see photo ), at this point leave the trail for bikes and begin the trail.

The trail fol and leading us along the river, not as busy as the road, and high vegetation calemos makes us pant in some areas the bushes are the masters, and it cost us a snag, but no major problems. Reach the point where are the signs of "forbidden to pass , reconstruction area" see the bridge and does not give much security, try to find an alternative route, skirting the fields, but two, or spend the bridge or you get to where you came, or we yl , the truth is that it is secure.

We went to a way to the right would lead us a natural view of the Ebro, one mile and return in the same place, but as we lost some time with the bridge, turn left and walk towards the Alfranca pine, which we see between fog. We

the pines and we find the ICWE International Centre for Water and Environment and Rock Garden , must say that the rock garden has 230 rocks and minerals of Aragon and 7600 copies different plant species, the center of interpretation of the nature reserve is also at this point, as we had no clear on this and we were not visiting, we see it out and continue our route, well worth spending a morning there, knowing everything you can see and learn.

find a path, trail Raft Carrasco is an alternative to the road, 400 m long and crosses the pond and has a booth for observing birds very pimp the truth. Returning to the road in one kilometer we Pastriz, here I get confused and take the first road on the left before reaching the first house , error, must come to a little park, where to find the Natural Way signal towards Zaragoza, seize and lunch at the little park, starts blowing a little gale, that makes us to be cold, but the fog starts to lift it with us.

Leaving Pastriz

S address, direct to the banks of the Ebro, walk around the track for bikes, since the path that is is for walkers, is full of herbs and stones, and everyone is on the way, the only thing is be careful with bikes, which are a hundred true. The tour and not miss, pass along the bank to mark the trail and return via the bridge of the bicentennial of the Cartuja.

Honestly, what is interesting for travel walk, are the paths of this route, bridge and entertaining with views over the river, but not just drop back, we did something long conversation helped us, that among waterfowl pilarísticas parties, hiking, bike Azuara pasándote and people took us in the morning.

Until next time ...


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