Friday, February 11, 2011

Opening Prayer For Basketball

Prelude "Welcome, the city where anything can happen", Part II

I wanted to take less, but I had no computer in the week so I could not do it, it is not loose Yayi ...

I was born here. Welcome. I was raised and spoiled in the dusty streets, which, I must tell readers, dust and have nothing, I will say that I do not promote my city, and in dark corners in the world learned that things are not what they seem, it usually is relative, and the mundane is just an illusion, a screen, a veil that is put to convince, to get us to lock ourselves in the limits of a road, so we can not get out of it.

But no. And this is not propaganda or publicity, only the truth: Welcome here, the veil is torn and burned and then step on and spit on the floor. The cartel is said and I repeat they are now: here in Welcome, anything can happen.

Many laugh when I tell them. I think I would have laughed too. So I prefer people to see who will listen to me, mostly because with all things if you sense that I have written, I doubt anyone trust my word. But do my duty to inform you that, here in Welcome, volumes are superheroes.

Okay, okay, I exaggerate. How can you be a superhero in a city that they are all superheroes? You can not, of course not. I better explain: In this city we all have a super power. That's right. Just like that. And this is what's great about this place. Because, dear readers, think again: how is not going to see something amazing and wonderful turn at every corner if the paperboy can fly, The kiosks serving has more strength than imaginable, firefighters pulled water from the hands, feet and other places that I will not mention, the homeless are faster than the hunger that pursues and civilians civilians civilians are able to do anything imaginable? If in such a city can not spend all, I do not know what will.

Any fan of comics I ever mention that Welcome was a huge convention of all the superheroes and villains that have ever been created by Marvel or DC. I said that was not stupid ... that here was further. What
how well the news is not dispersed throughout the country and the world? Simple. Discretion is also a superpower.

Ah, yes ... I knew someone would add two and two together. Welcome, super powers, I, Welcome ... Okay, okay, I need not insist. My super power?

The truth could not be easier. My super power is solely and simply to have the imagination to create all this.


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