Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seating Charts Samples

The words that went with the wind

Uh ... let's go.

"They say some of the stories lost in time, in an era that no longer remembered, the distance and Love fought to see who was stronger. Love, arrogant and powerful, said that when he was strong, as was true, when it shone in all its splendor, nothing and nobody could destroy it. Two people who loved each other like two people should love could ever be separated.

But the ego of the distance was great too, and in an act of bravery and stupidity, challenged the Love of a battle. The challenge was simple: the distance bet that struggling a bit, and with some time, achieve destroy all types of love between two people, regardless of their intensity. Love, of course, denied this and accepted the challenge, waiting impatiently for the moment when their victory restregaría insolent opponent.

But the battle never ended and even today there is no winner. The struggle continues, strong, constant, intense, and every couple who is separated resumes to never end ... "

The book from which I was reading was closed, with a thud.

-Ayayay - said as he hugged her and put his face in her hair.

- Distance will not gain on us, right? - She asked, snuggling into his chest.

"Never, beautiful - he said, staring - never.

had been known to three years and since then had never been apart. Like two leaves that fall together and decide they do not let no winds or tides distances, held hands and let that foot dragging by the winding road that either knew or knew where he went, always walk around next to the other. If the wind rocked the hair of one, so did the other, if the waters cool moist with her fingers, those of the well were collected by the sudden cold, if you stumble, or fell together, or that remained standing was all his effort and used all his endeavors, so that the other was up, and could continue walking.

But the shadow of an impending separation of stalking and worried. It was not a voluntary separation, not entirely at least. She had won a trip to a scholarship where communications fail, where phones do not ring and where the Internet is a familiar object but repudiated, and was leaving for a month.

were afraid. Separation always scary. Because even though trust in love, could not deny that the distance was powerful.

"But you win - you always said -. We will win.

The days passed and the calendar date that was marked as the dismissal came sooner than they wanted and more quickly than they had hoped.

Before leaving, she said she knew she would do without him, and asked what they would do without her.

He said one word:


And she did. Wrote and wrote, based solely on the feelings of his heart separately, in spite of his lonely soul now and itching in his eyes when visualized in the distance the beautiful face he loved. Pages and pages full of pure feelings that a soul could impure writing.

But fingers are spent quickly and ideas are few, and giant the penalty, unless you know the dictionary, it is impossible to express. So it was little time elapsed between when he started writing and left him. But one idea

assaulted his mind as a crush of inspiration, and imagination made him take a leaf he had written, and run with it to the nearest hill. Here, read with the loudest voice and clearest possible words written on the sheet.

wanted the wind to take them to her.

repeated the process every day, every evening, before the sun set and the stars do his coup d'etat, with proof of training to be better than the best. Sheet in hand, started running to the hill to let the words fly in the breeze, hoping to reach the ears of which were read.

However, at home not living alone, and his mother, concerned about the conduct of his son, a day before he left, he asked what he would do every day with a sheet of paper at the same time .

-I will read the wind - replied, before running off.

- Why, son? - She asked, who had gone to a psychiatrist to consult about a possible medication.

"So she heard me, Mom - he said, as if it were more evident in the world.

Shocked, the mother immediately sought the recipe in his wallet.

The days passed, and the month is spent more quickly than had initially supposed. So was the second day after arrival, she went to lunch at the house.

The conversation was pleasant and the food tasted reunion, but like all good times, it was quick and left with little taste.

Before the lifting of the table, the boy's mother asked the newcomer if something strange had happened during trip.

"Actually no, aunt - she answered -. Although, every day, before sleep, I felt like someone was reading something, or a story or a poem, like, almost as if the wind bring me words from afar ...

The mother, with eyes wide open , looked at his son, while not looked up from his plate, could not keep in his face drew a smirk.


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