Sunday, October 10, 2010

Fermi Model United Nations

Tozal of Comas. 2354m F. Cebollar Dowels PD.

Bonita trip, with great scenery. No need to climb three thousand to enjoy the mountain, pity the early fall of 2010 was warm, and the forest had not yet rolled out their color.
Pins Cebollar Bujaruelo Valley.

Cebollar Dowels.

From Torla (Huesca), take the A-135 Ordesa address to enter Bujaruelo Valley. A 3km cross the river by the bridge Arazas Santa Elena. 1200. elevation. We left the car, and we spot the GR-11, address Torla (margin right). Then the path crosses a pedriza, a large rock on the right. the road has a yellow and green marks. It begins on a path, which strongly back the hillside. What followed, though it may be lost, the direction is upward by pedriza, turn up the left. And through the woods to the foot of the great wall of rock. The Great Wall of Cebollar Tozal rocky, which then form the waterfall Salto del Carpino (70m.), here is a weak point. 15-20minutes of hard climb. Trademark yellow-green and red.
To overcome the way we Cebollar pegs. This is a step equipped with blades and a chain of life without cable. They are 15-20m. by a dihedral something vertical, the first part is simple, but the output is sensitive to be installed in a chain dihedral moist but holds up (I chose to leave the rock to the left. To start off this step is delicate .) 1350m altitude. approx.

Cebollar Tozal
carved into the rock road, PR-134.

Pico Fenez Tozal 2524m from the Onion.

Leaving a forest where the trail goes near the river, the path soon crosses the river, guided by marks and brands (not wrong, is on flat ground over a waterfall). The trail continues to the East close and hung. We reached a spot easier, we climb the slope to enter the path PR HU-134, taking it to the right (west) to enter an Bco of Comas.

Ordesa from Cebollar Tozal Collado. 1710m.
The road goes a step cut into the rock (Invisible from below 1480m altitude.), And remains marked with red paint and yellow-white. It is very comfortable and go through a magnificent beech forest. Too bad there was no Fall come, but if there were mushrooms. We arrived at the hill next to the onions Tozal 1740m. The trail follows the ridge near the East-Northeast Tozal of Comas.
Crest East-NE Comas Tozal of 2354m. F. From where we left the PR-HU 134.
In the 1800m elevation, the trail PR-134 goes into the hillside, to draw a half long slope to the Collado del Cebollar 1942m (Repeater and forest road), being the most convenient route but long on top.
I continued along the ridge E. without technical difficulty, but heavy to ascend. Traces of the trail, take us straight to the top of the Comas Tozal 2354m.F. 3h . Good viewpoint: Peña Oroel Fragineto, Tozal de Guara, Peña Montañesa, Cotiella, Sestrales, Soum de Ramond, Monte Perdido, Cylinder, Tozal del Mallo, Mondarruego, Gabiet, Vignemale, Sierra de Tendeñera ,.... All beautiful, and almost all promoted and for me, after so many years in the mountains. I'm under Fenez peak, I went up to 12 years and a great fatigue, we must have a vocation to the mountaineer.

Tops Ordesa from the top. Pta-Gabiet Escusaneta-Mondarruego-Marboré-Cylinder-Lost-Soum-Pta and Tozal Waves of Mallo
I chose to descend down the hill N. 2229m, and go through the little valley in the Peak Fenez to return by road to the PR-134, at an altitude of about 1780m. We are on familiar ground and pleasant, and back.

saw. Pico De Peña Sabocos Fenez.
After spending again carved in the rock section, a milestone we mark with a stick a narrow path that descends rapidly towards the Pins. I prefer to continue on the PR-134, comfortable and luxurious views, there are more sections later carved into the rock, hanging over the abyss, a good wall protects us.

Salto del Carpino. 70m

Section carved into the rock of the PR-134.


Plainly path descends to meet the GR-11. We are moving towards the left, towards San Nicolas de Bujaruelo. This section of the GR-11 also has two steps equipped, like the scale, with railings and a walkway. It has narrow passages and being hung desconsejable for people with vertigo. After passing under the Salto del Carpino, we arrived after about 6 hours the Bridge of St. Helena and the car. Link to map
guidance. On this tour there are mountains for all: The walkers can access the GR-11 and then the PR-134 to Tozal the onions in a luxury landscape. The ferrata can made to the library, another original route back then by the PR-134, and GR-11 with the Scales. The mountaineers a climb that will leave fond memories, through the pins to the top. And canyoning have direct access to Bco. the onion (or of the Comas).


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