Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Seating Charts Samples

The words that went with the wind

Uh ... let's go.

"They say some of the stories lost in time, in an era that no longer remembered, the distance and Love fought to see who was stronger. Love, arrogant and powerful, said that when he was strong, as was true, when it shone in all its splendor, nothing and nobody could destroy it. Two people who loved each other like two people should love could ever be separated.

But the ego of the distance was great too, and in an act of bravery and stupidity, challenged the Love of a battle. The challenge was simple: the distance bet that struggling a bit, and with some time, achieve destroy all types of love between two people, regardless of their intensity. Love, of course, denied this and accepted the challenge, waiting impatiently for the moment when their victory restregaría insolent opponent.

But the battle never ended and even today there is no winner. The struggle continues, strong, constant, intense, and every couple who is separated resumes to never end ... "

The book from which I was reading was closed, with a thud.

-Ayayay - said as he hugged her and put his face in her hair.

- Distance will not gain on us, right? - She asked, snuggling into his chest.

"Never, beautiful - he said, staring - never.

had been known to three years and since then had never been apart. Like two leaves that fall together and decide they do not let no winds or tides distances, held hands and let that foot dragging by the winding road that either knew or knew where he went, always walk around next to the other. If the wind rocked the hair of one, so did the other, if the waters cool moist with her fingers, those of the well were collected by the sudden cold, if you stumble, or fell together, or that remained standing was all his effort and used all his endeavors, so that the other was up, and could continue walking.

But the shadow of an impending separation of stalking and worried. It was not a voluntary separation, not entirely at least. She had won a trip to a scholarship where communications fail, where phones do not ring and where the Internet is a familiar object but repudiated, and was leaving for a month.

were afraid. Separation always scary. Because even though trust in love, could not deny that the distance was powerful.

"But you win - you always said -. We will win.

The days passed and the calendar date that was marked as the dismissal came sooner than they wanted and more quickly than they had hoped.

Before leaving, she said she knew she would do without him, and asked what they would do without her.

He said one word:


And she did. Wrote and wrote, based solely on the feelings of his heart separately, in spite of his lonely soul now and itching in his eyes when visualized in the distance the beautiful face he loved. Pages and pages full of pure feelings that a soul could impure writing.

But fingers are spent quickly and ideas are few, and giant the penalty, unless you know the dictionary, it is impossible to express. So it was little time elapsed between when he started writing and left him. But one idea

assaulted his mind as a crush of inspiration, and imagination made him take a leaf he had written, and run with it to the nearest hill. Here, read with the loudest voice and clearest possible words written on the sheet.

wanted the wind to take them to her.

repeated the process every day, every evening, before the sun set and the stars do his coup d'etat, with proof of training to be better than the best. Sheet in hand, started running to the hill to let the words fly in the breeze, hoping to reach the ears of which were read.

However, at home not living alone, and his mother, concerned about the conduct of his son, a day before he left, he asked what he would do every day with a sheet of paper at the same time .

-I will read the wind - replied, before running off.

- Why, son? - She asked, who had gone to a psychiatrist to consult about a possible medication.

"So she heard me, Mom - he said, as if it were more evident in the world.

Shocked, the mother immediately sought the recipe in his wallet.

The days passed, and the month is spent more quickly than had initially supposed. So was the second day after arrival, she went to lunch at the house.

The conversation was pleasant and the food tasted reunion, but like all good times, it was quick and left with little taste.

Before the lifting of the table, the boy's mother asked the newcomer if something strange had happened during trip.

"Actually no, aunt - she answered -. Although, every day, before sleep, I felt like someone was reading something, or a story or a poem, like, almost as if the wind bring me words from afar ...

The mother, with eyes wide open , looked at his son, while not looked up from his plate, could not keep in his face drew a smirk.

Seating Charts Samples

The words that went with the wind

Uh ... let's go.

"They say some of the stories lost in time, in an era that no longer remembered, the distance and Love fought to see who was stronger. Love, arrogant and powerful, said that when he was strong, as was true, when it shone in all its splendor, nothing and nobody could destroy it. Two people who loved each other like two people should love could ever be separated.

But the ego of the distance was great too, and in an act of bravery and stupidity, challenged the Love of a battle. The challenge was simple: the distance bet that struggling a bit, and with some time, achieve destroy all types of love between two people, regardless of their intensity. Love, of course, denied this and accepted the challenge, waiting impatiently for the moment when their victory restregaría insolent opponent.

But the battle never ended and even today there is no winner. The struggle continues, strong, constant, intense, and every couple who is separated resumes to never end ... "

The book from which I was reading was closed, with a thud.

-Ayayay - said as he hugged her and put his face in her hair.

- Distance will not gain on us, right? - She asked, snuggling into his chest.

"Never, beautiful - he said, staring - never.

had been known to three years and since then had never been apart. Like two leaves that fall together and decide they do not let no winds or tides distances, held hands and let that foot dragging by the winding road that either knew or knew where he went, always walk around next to the other. If the wind rocked the hair of one, so did the other, if the waters cool moist with her fingers, those of the well were collected by the sudden cold, if you stumble, or fell together, or that remained standing was all his effort and used all his endeavors, so that the other was up, and could continue walking.

But the shadow of an impending separation of stalking and worried. It was not a voluntary separation, not entirely at least. She had won a trip to a scholarship where communications fail, where phones do not ring and where the Internet is a familiar object but repudiated, and was leaving for a month.

were afraid. Separation always scary. Because even though trust in love, could not deny that the distance was powerful.

"But you win - you always said -. We will win.

The days passed and the calendar date that was marked as the dismissal came sooner than they wanted and more quickly than they had hoped.

Before leaving, she said she knew she would do without him, and asked what they would do without her.

He said one word:


And she did. Wrote and wrote, based solely on the feelings of his heart separately, in spite of his lonely soul now and itching in his eyes when visualized in the distance the beautiful face he loved. Pages and pages full of pure feelings that a soul could impure writing.

But fingers are spent quickly and ideas are few, and giant the penalty, unless you know the dictionary, it is impossible to express. So it was little time elapsed between when he started writing and left him. But one idea

assaulted his mind as a crush of inspiration, and imagination made him take a leaf he had written, and run with it to the nearest hill. Here, read with the loudest voice and clearest possible words written on the sheet.

wanted the wind to take them to her.

repeated the process every day, every evening, before the sun set and the stars do his coup d'etat, with proof of training to be better than the best. Sheet in hand, started running to the hill to let the words fly in the breeze, hoping to reach the ears of which were read.

However, at home not living alone, and his mother, concerned about the conduct of his son, a day before he left, he asked what he would do every day with a sheet of paper at the same time .

-I will read the wind - replied, before running off.

- Why, son? - She asked, who had gone to a psychiatrist to consult about a possible medication.

"So she heard me, Mom - he said, as if it were more evident in the world.

Shocked, the mother immediately sought the recipe in his wallet.

The days passed, and the month is spent more quickly than had initially supposed. So was the second day after arrival, she went to lunch at the house.

The conversation was pleasant and the food tasted reunion, but like all good times, it was quick and left with little taste.

Before the lifting of the table, the boy's mother asked the newcomer if something strange had happened during trip.

"Actually no, aunt - she answered -. Although, every day, before sleep, I felt like someone was reading something, or a story or a poem, like, almost as if the wind bring me words from afar ...

The mother, with eyes wide open , looked at his son, while not looked up from his plate, could not keep in his face drew a smirk.

Monday, October 25, 2010

What Does Service Disabled Mean On Ur Phone

climbing and canyoning in Lizara and Canfranc. Peña

Lizara Via Ferrata. Crag in the beautiful valley of Puerto Aragües.

From Port (Huesca) there is a road to the Refuge Lizara. After 9 km we reached a meadow with a small shelter on top and we see the wall climbing. We continued a little more power horseshoe curve, and under the rock park on the left. We see a large board with the outline of the track, which starts almost on the road. Failure to reach 1 km Lizara Refuge.

Peña the free
where the Via Ferrata and climbing school Lizara from Ref
Next to start the Ferrata panel to your left. There are several ways esc winged equipped (equipped with chemical limestone rock, climbing grip. Next to a tree, there is a way of initiation for children with parabolt.).
Now for the Ferrata, home.

Review panel Lizara Via Ferrata.

The first 25 meters is something lying down, then comes a short crossing (Here is a small crack where we found a lot of bees coming and going, which led to my little decide to turn back. Hours later I saw no activity alone and in the swarm).

Lizara Ferrata
Part of

Down the meadow with the free and the car Ref.
The following 25 vertical meters are nice, there are even two small crashes. It is a promotion with a tendency toward the right. Exceeded the wall, is a walking area with simple walls, is a lapiaz (rocky terrain where water has eroded the limestone, forming grooves, cracks and potholes) fun to navigate. Once at the top of the rock, we see the left Lizara Refuge and the peak Bisaurín on opposite a karst area and the plain of Lizara.

flanking the crack brown bees.

Area climbing school.

A series of milestones toward the right-hand lead us, at the top of the rock. It is a ridge that drops later, finding a grassy slope to the left, in a short descent leads to a grassy corridor between walls and woods. We followed him to the left, South West, who leads a comfortable down the road, 50 meters above the car. The route is short, very well equipped, but at some point, are separated the different sections of cable life. Children yes, but better with more than 10 years experience. His best time is autumn.
The regionalization in Aragon, in addition to promoting despotism and cronyism, the mountain we changed the initial plan few ferrata and good, for a number and every variety. Attracting tourism routes are long and medium-high difficulty, this is love and not power.
- Instant access - Ascent: 10-20 min. - Return: 12 min. - Difficulty : PD +
- south facing - Elevation: 75 meters.

Ending the vertical, the foot cover startup.

Dolmen del Llano de Lizara in Autumn.

In the area we have more activities to do with kids, two gullies for initiation . One is the main river, the Bco. Osia river. Four rappels 12m max. cold water and various leaks. Its end is the Bridge of Corralones (Restaurant and picnic area), here also just another Bco. that of Cave Bear : Low flow, two simple rappels up to 20 or 35m (The latter is a climbing lane for the initiation of bond type) and easy access. Review web, access to the waterfalls are 10 minutes late, suitable to start the rappel. Mismatch my reviews with those of the web.

Canfranc. A classic in the school climbing and canyoning.

The main crag is in Coll de Ladrones. In a rock dominated by strong, there are a number of ways of initiation into limestone.

Zone initiation, III-IV degrees.

the review panel at the foot of the tracks.

Access is along a track to the right of the N-330, after Canford Cliffs (Huesca) 100m. We enter into it, and a right horseshoe curve left the car. We are a long way straight ahead, seeing ahead of us the wall and Fort Coll de Ladrones.
Carlos playing a III °.

George IV left in a second.
There is a tree on the basis that relieved the sun, and we mark the simplest way. Children also will be interested to visit Fort (Old barracks of the Civil Guard.) Copyright Hotel Santa Cristina and the visit of payment. The area
There are other areas of initiation, the best known are Red Rocks in Candanchu.
To refresh, we can go with the kids to make canyoning. The two simplest are the Aragón River : In the dry season gives us a stretch where do you practice Aquatic canyoning.

final Toboggan jump 2m or 3m (low prof.)

Falls 18 meters, Bco. Spoil.
water down the Barranco is falling Valley Classic, the guides do not carry all the way down, go down the road used for construction of containment of the ravine. This section is about 40 min of access and about 3 hours of descent (14 rappels up to 23m). With children can be shortened. We leave the car at the exit of Canfranc, towards France with a gas station and some ships of the Shire. A marked track climbs the LEFT margin. (To our right), at 10 min we see a path that goes into the channel (two rappels, up 20m, and a slide just for kids). Above there is another intermediate access, about 20 min, and four more rappels up to 15 meters, artificial wall.

What Does Service Disabled Mean On Ur Phone

climbing and canyoning in Lizara and Canfranc. Peña

Lizara Via Ferrata. Crag in the beautiful valley of Puerto Aragües.

From Port (Huesca) there is a road to the Refuge Lizara. After 9 km we reached a meadow with a small shelter on top and we see the wall climbing. We continued a little more power horseshoe curve, and under the rock park on the left. We see a large board with the outline of the track, which starts almost on the road. Failure to reach 1 km Lizara Refuge.

Peña the free
where the Via Ferrata and climbing school Lizara from Ref
Next to start the Ferrata panel to your left. There are several ways esc winged equipped (equipped with chemical limestone rock, climbing grip. Next to a tree, there is a way of initiation for children with parabolt.).
Now for the Ferrata, home.

Review panel Lizara Via Ferrata.

The first 25 meters is something lying down, then comes a short crossing (Here is a small crack where we found a lot of bees coming and going, which led to my little decide to turn back. Hours later I saw no activity alone and in the swarm).

Lizara Ferrata
Part of

Down the meadow with the free and the car Ref.
The following 25 vertical meters are nice, there are even two small crashes. It is a promotion with a tendency toward the right. Exceeded the wall, is a walking area with simple walls, is a lapiaz (rocky terrain where water has eroded the limestone, forming grooves, cracks and potholes) fun to navigate. Once at the top of the rock, we see the left Lizara Refuge and the peak Bisaurín on opposite a karst area and the plain of Lizara.

flanking the crack brown bees.

Area climbing school.

A series of milestones toward the right-hand lead us, at the top of the rock. It is a ridge that drops later, finding a grassy slope to the left, in a short descent leads to a grassy corridor between walls and woods. We followed him to the left, South West, who leads a comfortable down the road, 50 meters above the car. The route is short, very well equipped, but at some point, are separated the different sections of cable life. Children yes, but better with more than 10 years experience. His best time is autumn.
The regionalization in Aragon, in addition to promoting despotism and cronyism, the mountain we changed the initial plan few ferrata and good, for a number and every variety. Attracting tourism routes are long and medium-high difficulty, this is love and not power.
- Instant access - Ascent: 10-20 min. - Return: 12 min. - Difficulty : PD +
- south facing - Elevation: 75 meters.

Ending the vertical, the foot cover startup.

Dolmen del Llano de Lizara in Autumn.

In the area we have more activities to do with kids, two gullies for initiation . One is the main river, the Bco. Osia river. Four rappels 12m max. cold water and various leaks. Its end is the Bridge of Corralones (Restaurant and picnic area), here also just another Bco. that of Cave Bear : Low flow, two simple rappels up to 20 or 35m (The latter is a climbing lane for the initiation of bond type) and easy access. Review web, access to the waterfalls are 10 minutes late, suitable to start the rappel. Mismatch my reviews with those of the web.

Canfranc. A classic in the school climbing and canyoning.

The main crag is in Coll de Ladrones. In a rock dominated by strong, there are a number of ways of initiation into limestone.

Zone initiation, III-IV degrees.

the review panel at the foot of the tracks.

Access is along a track to the right of the N-330, after Canford Cliffs (Huesca) 100m. We enter into it, and a right horseshoe curve left the car. We are a long way straight ahead, seeing ahead of us the wall and Fort Coll de Ladrones.
Carlos playing a III °.

George IV left in a second.
There is a tree on the basis that relieved the sun, and we mark the simplest way. Children also will be interested to visit Fort (Old barracks of the Civil Guard.) Copyright Hotel Santa Cristina and the visit of payment. The area
There are other areas of initiation, the best known are Red Rocks in Candanchu.
To refresh, we can go with the kids to make canyoning. The two simplest are the Aragón River : In the dry season gives us a stretch where do you practice Aquatic canyoning.

final Toboggan jump 2m or 3m (low prof.)

Falls 18 meters, Bco. Spoil.
water down the Barranco is falling Valley Classic, the guides do not carry all the way down, go down the road used for construction of containment of the ravine. This section is about 40 min of access and about 3 hours of descent (14 rappels up to 23m). With children can be shortened. We leave the car at the exit of Canfranc, towards France with a gas station and some ships of the Shire. A marked track climbs the LEFT margin. (To our right), at 10 min we see a path that goes into the channel (two rappels, up 20m, and a slide just for kids). Above there is another intermediate access, about 20 min, and four more rappels up to 15 meters, artificial wall.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

What Happens With Fakku

Martin River Narrows

October 23, 2010

Distance: 8.25 km .

Accumulated Vertical Rise: 317 m

Max: 453 m.

min height: 370 m.

Difficulty: very easy (and enjoyable).

Type: linear, can be circulated but the return would be by road.

Hikers: Elizabeth José Carlos and Diego

This tour is not only a pleasant stroll by the river Martin, but also by history. This is because all the way we find small caves where if you look carefully you will find paintings of the inhabitants of the Bronze Age, which are represented many archers, horses, deer, wild boar in several scenes. This made me remember my friend Paco, a professional in the field and follower of this blog.

not return to the road and make the most affordable way to vermouth of later. Leaving a car off the road at the end of our route and headed to another car at the start of the route.

To get to the top of our route Zaragoza Leaving on 8:00 am to go Azaila Castellón address, followed by the N 232 to a little before reaching Hijar, here we will take the detour Which brings us to the Archbishop Albalate the A-224. Once past the Archbishop Albalate Andorra direction continue along the A-223, but by looking good in the detour that takes us back roads to the people of Ariño, Oliete ... is the A-1401. Following this road once Verema s a sign that indicates the parking lot of the close of the River Martin or "dwarf." There by the road and without reaching the parking which is a little further, we will not carry the car back to the beginning of the route. We continue with the other car to cross a bridge that leads to the left bank of the river and just leave us a "clear" to the roadside where we can leave the car and begin our march along the left bank of the river following Martin laa signs and indications already prepared. The truth is, this route is very well equipped and they have no loss.

Finally Isabel and I agree on an excursion; otherwise we find it more difficult to see us and we just know each other, so Jose Carlos says.

hitting the road steadily safe and normal pace. The day had awakened with high fog in Zaragoza and something cool, let's start a gentle breeze and warm blue color that will accompany us throughout the autumn landscape in which we are introduced slowly.

Then find the first cave where we found some rock engravings of symbols that do not identify with anything known ... Following the path we passed through several caves, but these and, no prints, is more in the first do not manage to discern anything.

Gradually we go down to the river or up the slopes that conform with good conversation and very little effort we enabled the viewpoints along the route.

About half way, go down to the very course of the river and see some caves carved into the wall of sand as a man holds, is just at that point where a bridge metal is hidden among the reeds on the banks of the River Martin. If you follow the trail is easily.

From there the trail runs along the right bank and begins a part a little more air and steep. It's all very well equipped with handrails, stairs, heaving lines and do not need any material or necessary technical know anything about the mountain, just enjoy the scenery.

After this stage is reached the power plant that's up to our left and went to a road with a sign. We will find a great Aleppo pine that greets us with his impetuosity with some signs that indicate the direction correct: in our case Albalate. We follow the well marked path to reach some olive trees near the river where it sees the end of the path the car park end of the road.

As our car is not in the car, but beside the road, continue along the path between almond farm in a few minutes to get to the car we have left.

The day has been great, the company more. I had not José Carlos and myself we agreed on a route. As icing, Isabel company that always misses female company in our gasolineriles excursions.

What Happens With Fakku

Martin River Narrows

October 23, 2010

Distance: 8.25 km .

Accumulated Vertical Rise: 317 m

Max: 453 m.

min height: 370 m.

Difficulty: very easy (and enjoyable).

Type: linear, can be circulated but the return would be by road.

Hikers: Elizabeth José Carlos and Diego

This tour is not only a pleasant stroll by the river Martin, but also by history. This is because all the way we find small caves where if you look carefully you will find paintings of the inhabitants of the Bronze Age, which are represented many archers, horses, deer, wild boar in several scenes. This made me remember my friend Paco, a professional in the field and follower of this blog.

not return to the road and make the most affordable way to vermouth of later. Leaving a car off the road at the end of our route and headed to another car at the start of the route.

To get to the top of our route Zaragoza Leaving on 8:00 am to go Azaila Castellón address, followed by the N 232 to a little before reaching Hijar, here we will take the detour Which brings us to the Archbishop Albalate the A-224. Once past the Archbishop Albalate Andorra direction continue along the A-223, but by looking good in the detour that takes us back roads to the people of Ariño, Oliete ... is the A-1401. Following this road once Verema s a sign that indicates the parking lot of the close of the River Martin or "dwarf." There by the road and without reaching the parking which is a little further, we will not carry the car back to the beginning of the route. We continue with the other car to cross a bridge that leads to the left bank of the river and just leave us a "clear" to the roadside where we can leave the car and begin our march along the left bank of the river following Martin laa signs and indications already prepared. The truth is, this route is very well equipped and they have no loss.

Finally Isabel and I agree on an excursion; otherwise we find it more difficult to see us and we just know each other, so Jose Carlos says.

hitting the road steadily safe and normal pace. The day had awakened with high fog in Zaragoza and something cool, let's start a gentle breeze and warm blue color that will accompany us throughout the autumn landscape in which we are introduced slowly.

Then find the first cave where we found some rock engravings of symbols that do not identify with anything known ... Following the path we passed through several caves, but these and, no prints, is more in the first do not manage to discern anything.

Gradually we go down to the river or up the slopes that conform with good conversation and very little effort we enabled the viewpoints along the route.

About half way, go down to the very course of the river and see some caves carved into the wall of sand as a man holds, is just at that point where a bridge metal is hidden among the reeds on the banks of the River Martin. If you follow the trail is easily.

From there the trail runs along the right bank and begins a part a little more air and steep. It's all very well equipped with handrails, stairs, heaving lines and do not need any material or necessary technical know anything about the mountain, just enjoy the scenery.

After this stage is reached the power plant that's up to our left and went to a road with a sign. We will find a great Aleppo pine that greets us with his impetuosity with some signs that indicate the direction correct: in our case Albalate. We follow the well marked path to reach some olive trees near the river where it sees the end of the path the car park end of the road.

As our car is not in the car, but beside the road, continue along the path between almond farm in a few minutes to get to the car we have left.

The day has been great, the company more. I had not José Carlos and myself we agreed on a route. As icing, Isabel company that always misses female company in our gasolineriles excursions.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Side Affects Of Veet On Chest

Foratata and Campanal of Aneu. Climbing and mountaineering

Foratata Peña. 2341m. One of the most beautiful mountains of Aragon.

View from Lanuza is a limestone pyramid, pyramids sister metamorphic Respomuso area. Top of dolomitic size, has great appeal despite being surrounded by higher peaks.
The two peaks of Peña Foratata views from the East.
The normal route starts from the "monster" called Formigal (Huesca). The trail PR-HU 90 is taken in the top of the development (near the hotel Melia), 1680m altitude. We go alpine meadows, where plains alternate with rolling hills. The PR-HU 90 leads to the Collado del Forato 2040m, located to the left. of the mountain. Climbing back up to the ridge west, for a good path then turns going up the ridge NO.

Clean Water Valley. Arriel peaks, Pallas and Balaitus-Frondellas.
The scenery is beautiful, surrounded by beautiful mountains. After passing a first elevation, the trail flanking West 2291m below the summit, passing an R º + downclimbing. We reached a fork located between the two main peaks. From here you can climb the West peak 2291m. F . 1'30-2 hours, which sometimes serves as consolation for those who can not climb the main summit, but it deserves is worth raising.
Peña Western Foratata 2291m, from installation to rappel from the edge, in the background Anayet
The easiest way down a canal, from the gallows to the south, about 30m. Then follows a grassy strip aerial towards the left., in search of a canal on the face of II ° signposted with milestones and red paint, which leads to the summit, PD. This pathway is very hung on the flank of the belt, and the canal there are people who can not find it, but it allows closer to the window in the rock, which gives its name to the mountain.

normal Vias Foratata la Peña, from the top West. At the bottom of Hell Peak
The route we choose to descend about 30m from the northern side, to make a canal, which goes up to a gallows above, saving the first wall of the ridge west. From the right. the climb is easier but a step IV º -, by the left is a climb of II degrees with bad grips, following release to the gallows pedriza sup.

Foratata Peña Western Cresta.

rappelling Horcada the chimney top.
Upon reaching it we see the East (Left-sided) fireplace with an embedded block, and a tree on it. The climb, first is a "Second, we block the passage is a brief III + (II º if you Basque), continuing and easily to the tree (Meeting 20 meters," eagles nest "). From here we will find the ridge above a stretch of II ° (Nail). First the front, then left onto a ledge going to take the ridge west (Top Rapel meeting and installation of 13m). From here the landscape continues to sublime, the crest may seem fierce, not difficult to East summit 2341m. PD + 2'30 hours. 45m long rope and tape recommended.

View from the top. Photo José Luis.

Peña Foratata View from 2341m. Photo José Luis.
The descent may be through a rappel of about 34 m, or two shorter than 20 m. The channel down climbing the south is not clear unless we know the channel. Alpine summit, you can not miss in the history of any mountaineer.
Peña and Arriel from Punta Pazin.

Campanal of Aneu . 2214m. A beautiful top, despite its modest size.

This summit can be combined on the day with Foratata Peña. This peak after eating.
Campanal of Aneu. 2214m, the moon and the peak Cuylaret. From Portalet.
The normal route began at the border of Portalet (Huesca). We left the car on the French side, in a large parking area to the left. 1795m altitude. A trail starts here heading west, crosses meadows. We left after 5 minutes the main trail to go to the southwest, a hill on the border with Spain (1850m abandoned Elisita Mina.). Here we turn again to the west, continuing on the French side. We are winning at half height hillside rising bands.

North Face of Aneu, to the left crest E.

Campanal of Aneu
crest east. The route starts at the intermediate field
After 45 minutes we reached the base of the mountain, avoid sloping plane for the first muro.2150m. The easiest route runs along the ridge east, starting with air sensations. The limestone rock is unreliable. We begin with steps II + (III One step of th), then it's easier I-II º º. We passed a rappelling facility (about 25m). The ridge narrows, without any problems (very air) to a final step edge, technically easy, but exposed by a lack of prey. Top of Campanal of Aneu. 2214m. PD. 1'15 hours. Best rappelling the first rib. From the base we can continue to the west, to ascend the next peak 2264m. F-, which also offers beautiful views of the mountain.

View from the top. Portalet path and climb down LEFT. Pallas Far