Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Christian Get Well Messages Wish

Viver V Valdejalón

Saturday April 10, 2010

Distance: 29 , 94 km

Max: 750m

Height min: 365m

rise Total ascent: 908 m.

Moving time: 4:35

unemployed Time: 25 min

Type: Alpartir circular-La-La Almunia Almunia

Difficulty: Moderate

Hikers: David, José Carlos and three hundred @ s hikers.

I was hard put to write this route, I really wanted to go, also dolls friends of the walkers I was asked to leave a little early to inspect the road and make a stretch in the that would certainly, if necessary. I like working and that made me even more desirable, but sometimes life takes unexpected shocks, and this time gave him very early on, one participant, a resident of La Almunia suffered a heart stroke a few kilometers from the exit. I shared with him for years mountain bike routes, but it was hard not to see it with your bike, or the flag or by the Salesians, was a well-known, participatory sports and loved in and around La Almunia. From here our sincere condolences to family and friends and our memory of Santiago "El Viti".

The morning started early, about 5:50 am, arrived at the sports center of La Almunia, dolls walkers and people in full partnership The Butrera (Alpartir) were making sandwiches for all participants, to help finish the job, but what I get was little to do. We threw a coffee, had prepared breakfast in the pavilion, and at 6:30 a group of Roque, Robert Pelletier, David and I, we began having traveled half an hour before the official time, as I said our work was to inspect the road, mark something in case of possible doubt, but everything was already well signposted and go top the already covered.

The route itself, we have made and nter among some old ways and others, is a wonderful walk to enjoy Algairén saw no snivel large and beautiful views, but with the hardness of 30 km and a more accessible 20 km. We left flashlight in hand, only use the first half hour from the flag out by the c Cantalobos amino , in this first section we were calm, I guess that by the time it was and we knew that the day was as er long, once in the pines before valhigendo ravine to climb to the cross point of the first supplies Alberto, Roberto and marked a slower pace Roque demanding to rubber.

supply is in case we eat a few peanuts, error, were more salted cod, drink water and below, descend down the path to the source of Fontelles, but little turn for the new path that crosses the convent , much better marked and conditioned that when we were in the middle of January. Descend to the high road of romeral to go to the convent, where is the second aid station.

This supplies, in the q ue were snacks in the other only had water and fruit (pears and apples), the dolls walkers, who are not ready or anything, it made some eggs on a stove, but we were not very hungry, so apple pear drink of water and forward. Roque did not stop at the aid stations, so we reached out to the provisioning and came back to be 4.

We left the convent encased in the ruins of the convent, to descend to a road to the junction CERQUETO Road, crossing a field and climb the whelping of the Ages deep, where he was the third supplies in this piece or mobile start ringing, we report the fatal news. At this point, the faces changed, the look s were lost, thoughtful and day clouded with sun ra dents.

The blow was hard and dry, but h nce to continue, we went down the path of nettles old up the river road, to get into the valley tender, to the intersection of the rise to replaceta pine, a few meters from the start of the climb, in a farrowing was the fourth aid station. In the down the path of nettles vejas, we reached n the first 2 participants, we had trimmed 30 minutes at about 13 km, had a feverish pace, Roque left hook and I do not see him until La Almunia, David, Robert and I put at your pace and the five together until we cross the climb to the replaceta pine, but they do not drop the speed of your bida and David and I we set our pace, to reach as stores, we take a 100m, but they do not stop, so Robert and the other two, one was his brother, still with his infernal pace, not the bird back to La Almunia. David and I stopped, charros a little apple or pear drink of water and forward.

climbed to the replaceta pine, and the descent to Alpartir we got carried away and trotted in the most comfortable descent. In the church square was the fifth supplies, can you imagine that we ?, Apple or pear, drink water and forward.

Alpartir We leave the car in road transport few meters to the cemetery and down the path along the cemetery wall to La Almunia, this no way output but have marked a path that crosses a black stone floor and a pine forest, the ravine that comes from Morata de Jalón to Alfamen, reaching Jarandil way, in Alguaceros, where was the sixth supplies. In the pines, we started a photo on a to other , the truth is that I remembered some of the cham ra in the old ways and for once it was agreed David. What's playing?, Apple, drink water and forth, but David found a sandwich, offered me but I was looking forward, not a famine., So what I eat and for Adela you.


down to a comfortable splicing in the way of jarandil, that after a turn connects the road to La Almunia Fontellas in this piece is passed under a ditch by an old arch and is one of the Peirone de La Almunia. Met people who made the 20km route and 11:30 savor a cold beer in the flag, which led to the bolsica shirt, flashlight and folletillo s.

As soon as we went to har duc to David and returned home to eat, good to organize some people in the food. Just eating the past with all the dolls walkers and people take the butrera, with a very good atmosphere, despite what happened.

Before the meal, a cum Plio of wishes for this day, learn at last to the borders, very nice as I imagined, charros in the morning, a proximity is and of course, we cast some pictures, I have a desire to share the road with them.

Well, I like to think things through, so I think the course was very good in terms of distances, profiles, and indications, a very good job of dolls walkers, food well, but I think the aid stations should have been some sugar to recover, but was fine the number of stops. The sadness was an inevitable companion , and although the atmosphere was good, was not a party as you might expect. thank and congratulate the organization for providing the enjoyment of the sport.

Until next time ...


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