Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Letter To Housing Allowance

familiarizing yourself with the Cube

As a first step we will familiarize ourselves with the Cube. We will know in depth, so that at any moment we can locate the cube in the correct position and so make the right moves in the corresponding direction.

The cube consists of 26 pieces, divided evenly into 6 faces, each with a characteristic color (note that not all cubes are colored in the same way.)

parts are not all alike, and can not occupy any position within the cube. Each one has a single pre-designated place in the bucket, which must be respected (if we put it together in the traditional way).

First we central parts (1 single color) of each side that are immovable, ie the remaining parts revolve around them. Then find the pieces of 2 faces or edges (2 colors). These pieces can take anywhere between two corners, they can change their location and with a little practice to be rotated and positioned to suit the owner. Finally we see the vertices, which represent the confluence of three faces (3 colors), these are the hardest to handle and like the 2 sides (but with a little practice) can be rotated and occupy the position you want.


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