few days ago we did this trip, but for personal reasons I could not upload before.
That morning, we thought to make a route through the Sierra de Alcubierre, but as the forecast was quite windy, we decided to take refuge from it in a more wooded area. He had been with Ruben Zaragoza friend when you can not hesitate to cum kicking, always speak of the Sierra de Algairén, but did not know, so I suggest going to Cosuenda to teach the area.
We finally decided to go to the fridge Cosuenda, trip we've done or n couple of times with some variations, and this time there would be less, the novelty is that instead of arriving by car to the park Raso de la Cruz, left the car in the same town, and finally I have the GPS track of this tour, it's worth to see the drop.
and steeper, until arbor bench, Ruben marks a good pace and keep costs me, everything is blooming, it is very beautiful, but my lungs do not get along with so much pollen. We had a drink in the bank, and told Ruben that now is when the climb really steep, left to continue setting the pace, but after a few minutes to realize that this is more demanding than it looks, we stopped to take air, and step forward for me to mark the rhythm. The rise this wonderful, spongy ground, bright green , water flowing from any stone and stunning views through the dense vegetation. A stop over in the middle of the climb and we the refrigerator, sits par Ruben breathing rise has taken its toll and I read the description of the refrigerator that have settled at last, I do a photos . We left the road
coming from the top of Aguarón and up, turning right up to the lookout. Cement on the rise ahead and see me as there are enough people up, big surprise, are the butrera friends (Alpartir) that have entered into a d spring and their old ways, including of course, some friends dolls of walkers and people who knew the day we went with them to the Arc de Alpartir, glad to find people known, offer a drink of wine and lunch, but it makes enough air in there and we chatted a bit with them and decided to get off to lunch at the cave, by Aunt Peña.
fear is being in the cave , quiet lunch, a Reuben sandwich you feel well, has regained color, d lowering njoy talking mushrooms, the area where Ruben has occasional other knowledge, we come to the park and become the first way among beautiful flowers and vines, to Cosuenda.
Rubén Sierra he loved, and safe return to know other parts of these parts, like almost everyone who knows her.
few days ago we did this trip, but for personal reasons I could not upload before.
That morning, we thought to make a route through the Sierra de Alcubierre, but as the forecast was quite windy, we decided to take refuge from it in a more wooded area. He had been with Ruben Zaragoza friend when you can not hesitate to cum kicking, always speak of the Sierra de Algairén, but did not know, so I suggest going to Cosuenda to teach the area.
We finally decided to go to the fridge Cosuenda, trip we've done or n couple of times with some variations, and this time there would be less, the novelty is that instead of arriving by car to the park Raso de la Cruz, left the car in the same town, and finally I have the GPS track of this tour, it's worth to see the drop.
and steeper, until arbor bench, Ruben marks a good pace and keep costs me, everything is blooming, it is very beautiful, but my lungs do not get along with so much pollen. We had a drink in the bank, and told Ruben that now is when the climb really steep, left to continue setting the pace, but after a few minutes to realize that this is more demanding than it looks, we stopped to take air, and step forward for me to mark the rhythm. The rise this wonderful, spongy ground, bright green , water flowing from any stone and stunning views through the dense vegetation. A stop over in the middle of the climb and we the refrigerator, sits par Ruben breathing rise has taken its toll and I read the description of the refrigerator that have settled at last, I do a photos . We left the road
coming from the top of Aguarón and up, turning right up to the lookout. Cement on the rise ahead and see me as there are enough people up, big surprise, are the butrera friends (Alpartir) that have entered into a d spring and their old ways, including of course, some friends dolls of walkers and people who knew the day we went with them to the Arc de Alpartir, glad to find people known, offer a drink of wine and lunch, but it makes enough air in there and we chatted a bit with them and decided to get off to lunch at the cave, by Aunt Peña.
fear is being in the cave , quiet lunch, a Reuben sandwich you feel well, has regained color, d lowering njoy talking mushrooms, the area where Ruben has occasional other knowledge, we come to the park and become the first way among beautiful flowers and vines, to Cosuenda.
Rubén Sierra he loved, and safe return to know other parts of these parts, like almost everyone who knows her.
Graph Coloring is the coloring of the vertices of a graph such that no adjacent vertices share the same color.
Similarly, an edge coloring assigns colors to each edge such that no adjacent edges share the same color, and coloring of faces of a planar graph to assign a color to each face or region so that faces that share a common border have different colors.
The first result about graph coloring was only on planar graphs and coloring of maps. While trying to color a map of England Francis Guthrie postulated the theory of 4 colors, noting that 4 colors are enough to color the map so that regions sharing a common edge not receive the same color.
Labels such as red or blue are only used when the number of colors is small, and usually the colors are represented by the integers {1, 2, 3, ...}.
A coloring that uses at most k colors is called a k-coloring (proper). The smallest number of colors required to color a graph G is denoted chromatic number. A graph that can be assigned a k-coloring (proper) is k-colorable and k-chromatic if its chromatic number is exactly k. A subset of vertices assigned the same color is called a color class. Each class forms an independent set. That is, a k-coloring is the same as a partition of vertex set into k independent sets, terms and k-partite k-colorable have the same meaning.
The chromatic polynomial the number of ways in which a graph can be colored using no more than a given number of colors
A simple algorithm for graph coloring is easy to describe, but potentially very costly. In terms of computational complexity - NP-complete What that means there is no known algorithm for optimal graph coloring is not exponential , and furthermore, if there is a non-exponential algorithm for it would not be a non-exponential solution of all problems.
A general solution to finding an optimal graph coloring is exhaustive search: start with a node, give it a color, assign colors they do not conflict with its neighbors, and so on. Try two colors, if you do not get any results, then try three and so on.
graph coloring Examples:
Petersen graph with 3 colors, commonly depicted as a pentagon with a pentagram in:
Graph Coloring is the coloring of the vertices of a graph such that no adjacent vertices share the same color.
Similarly, an edge coloring assigns colors to each edge such that no adjacent edges share the same color, and coloring of faces of a planar graph to assign a color to each face or region so that faces that share a common border have different colors.
The first result about graph coloring was only on planar graphs and coloring of maps. While trying to color a map of England Francis Guthrie postulated the theory of 4 colors, noting that 4 colors are enough to color the map so that regions sharing a common edge not receive the same color.
Labels such as red or blue are only used when the number of colors is small, and usually the colors are represented by the integers {1, 2, 3, ...}.
A coloring that uses at most k colors is called a k-coloring (proper). The smallest number of colors required to color a graph G is denoted chromatic number. A graph that can be assigned a k-coloring (proper) is k-colorable and k-chromatic if its chromatic number is exactly k. A subset of vertices assigned the same color is called a color class. Each class forms an independent set. That is, a k-coloring is the same as a partition of vertex set into k independent sets, terms and k-partite k-colorable have the same meaning.
The chromatic polynomial the number of ways in which a graph can be colored using no more than a given number of colors
A simple algorithm for graph coloring is easy to describe, but potentially very costly. In terms of computational complexity - NP-complete What that means there is no known algorithm for optimal graph coloring is not exponential , and furthermore, if there is a non-exponential algorithm for it would not be a non-exponential solution of all problems.
A general solution to finding an optimal graph coloring is exhaustive search: start with a node, give it a color, assign colors they do not conflict with its neighbors, and so on. Try two colors, if you do not get any results, then try three and so on.
graph coloring Examples:
Petersen graph with 3 colors, commonly depicted as a pentagon with a pentagram in:
being the binary representation of number 37; execute the Turing machine, following the given transition function.
37: 100101
Well, let's begin our machine ...
see that the machine starts in a state S.
Then assign a 0 at the beginning, and moves one space to the right.
Moving to the next position is a 1, and write a 1, and moves one space to the right. Being a 0 in the following two positions in each of them writes a zero and moves one space to the right.
The following position is a 1, write 1 and moves one space to the right.
now see a 0, type 0, and moves one space to the right.
is followed by a 1, and like other positions writes a 1, and moves to the right place.
Right now is an empty space.
Then the machine writes a zero.
And moving a space, far left, turning in a state T, and being on January 1, type 1, and moves one space to the left.
Upon finding the first zero writes a 1, SI prints and finishes.
Then we have the following binary number: 01001110
being the binary representation of number 37; execute the Turing machine, following the given transition function.
37: 100101
Well, let's begin our machine ...
see that the machine starts in a state S.
Then assign a 0 at the beginning, and moves one space to the right.
Moving to the next position is a 1, and write a 1, and moves one space to the right. Being a 0 in the following two positions in each of them writes a zero and moves one space to the right.
The following position is a 1, write 1 and moves one space to the right.
now see a 0, type 0, and moves one space to the right.
is followed by a 1, and like other positions writes a 1, and moves to the right place.
Right now is an empty space.
Then the machine writes a zero.
And moving a space, far left, turning in a state T, and being on January 1, type 1, and moves one space to the left.
Upon finding the first zero writes a 1, SI prints and finishes.
Then we have the following binary number: 01001110
MONCAYO (2315m) rising from the source of the friars and down the hill of Bello.
Domingo 2 de mayo de 2010
Distance: 18.18 km
Max: 2315 m
Height min: 1336 m
rise Total ascent: 1287 m.
Moving time: 3:50
unemployed Time: 48 min
Type: circular source-friars moncayo summit Lobera-source-vertex of the friars
Difficulty: Moderate
Hikers: David , Pellicer and José Roberto Carlos.
much I can say about the rise to Moncayo not been said already, and we have done, but this time start from the source of the friars, which means more hilly we descend the hill of beautiful, which brings a few more miles. I'll ca mbiar a little way of telling the old ways, to see what you think.
7:14 "It's early, eg ro we are, with some sleep in the parking lot of the source of the friars of the climb to the shrine or Moncayo is indicated, but just in case it is just where does the tarmac to the shrine. We started keeping track about 300 m to find the post indicating the path of ascent to the shrine, in this first piece we encounter the ozone p Snow Meadow St. Lucia a few minutes, and between pine beech and twice crossing the track, will arrive in about 2.5 km to the sanctuary. Note that after crossing the first track, path climbs considerably as Da vid, a little sick of hard drive you catch the rhythm, save a s 280-m level, which is not small feat.
7:44-We got to the shrine, cooled a bit in the source, since this time a warm sun with us. With David and recovered the woodland began to go to the circus in San Miguel, in this piece the wind begins to blow, not too hard, but enough for us to know, that as indicated by the forecast the day will change.
8:15 "We left the forest, we found that the rise in zigzag is cleared of snow. The posters, both sanctuary as half of the subid to , and warned us of possible danger "of hard snow slip zone N: exit to the vacuum", he decided to climb a classical pathway , yes, poniéndono s the windbreak as the protection offered by the forest disappears. On the way up each catches the rhythm, let's see Roberto in the middle of the climb, David I took a few meters Delan but do not let you see, just crown the circus we regroup, we hoped there Roberto only 9 minutes on the clock, At this point we found about 40 meters of walking on icy snow, the whole ridge is clean and there is only snow in places where n or paste wind. We take the snow to throw us a photic , we assume no more until next year, but as is the weather ... we'll see.
9:10-We reached the summit, some pictures both the geodesic as the column of the Virgin to verify the top (lol irony Japan) and lunched well efugee r, as the wind blows with something more than f uerza and brings clouds and some fog that envelops us soon after, the wind chill is low, but we are pleased with the time we made the climb. We decided to go down the hill from beautiful because it seems that it will not rain and we have seen that is clean of snow.
10:07 "We're in the trig of a Lober, we reached the crest of the circus retracing of San Miguel for which we still had visibility, and wind us shows its strength in the snow drag on the blue sky, but on arrival at Where does the rise in zigzag (hill of stones), fog envelops us, as I had. Roberto knows the descent, so first we take a brand PR SO 88, they left behind, lost in height, to follow the direction E (to the left of the PR that goes to the S) along the crest of the circus San Gaudioso, there is a cairn to another, but on a clear day you can see the column and just have to go to her.
10:36 "We found the beginning of the GR (see photo) , I say we find, because from geodesic vertex Lobera to this point there are no markings or markers practically, we must take into account a pine , always walk on the left (see photo) , following the direction that we took (E). We met a couple of walkers and tells us, the oldest and he looked a man experienced and knowledgeable in the area, there is no way in this piece that we have passed, we've done well to refer to the pine and pass with a small stone shelter there.
11:30-Go back to the sanctuary, we toured the RG good pieces of descent is not very pronounced and other false flat and even small increases, is well marked with red and white and some black and white, in addition to the posts that indicate "Bellido hill." It is worth walking this stretch, the path is beautiful and livable, in both directions, crossing several gullies cargaditos in this era of water and enjoy the full circle of San Gaudioso, crossing it from end to tip, the penalty is that the day keeps us from seeing the magnificent view from this stretch is safe. In the sanctuary, at this time full of cars, several hikers ask us to do just this by above, we tell you about the road is very clean, but the clouds create their concerns before leaving for the summit, we now realize that although cost is good early. No lack the refreshing drink of water at source, while the charros.
11:50-After charradica, descend quickly to the car on the same path that at first, with a brief stop in the pit . Since the source of the friars , stretch, cooled and filled water for the road. The truth is that it is very well equipped and is a good place to eat after of having traveled with his c ascadica , banks, etc., but does not accompany the day and return to La Almunia, where we expect the vermouth.
Good day and wonderful journey to learn a little more Moncayo the environment, get up early has its rewards, for a short ride in the car begin to fall the first drops.